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Author Spotlight: A Mirror Among Shattered Glass, by Romarin Demetri

Book Genre: Urban Fantasy

Suggested Reading Audience: Young Adult and Up

Content Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations

Book blub:

A Mirror Among Shattered Glass (Book One): Unable to contain the deadly nature of her family secret and powers, nine-teen year old Romarin Demetri hails from California, U.S.A, to unearth her heritage as a descendant of serial-killer, Countess Bathory, the woman that lent Dracula his legend, and cursed Romarin with an appetite for blood.

Unenthusiastic about relocating to her birth city of London, a charming paranormal investigator with claim to the throne could change her mind, as he leads her to the only living and distant relative she has: a raven-haired recluse named Talia, who has taken refuge in an old castle in the heart of the city, and doesn’t seem to have a heart of her own.

After a rough introduction to the lethal, inappropriate, and enchantingly sarcastic people she calls her housemates, perhaps the other misfits will be her first true friends; However, as much as these people are like her, they still have hidden vendettas, a taste for revenge, and will struggle between what is just, and what will settle their psychological upheaval. There is only one way for Romarin to become part of the Supernatural London Underground: Can she be the one who challenges them to put down their ghosts and demons and make their world together?

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What made you decide to become an Author and write a book series?

I went to school for English and Psychology, knowing that I wanted to write. After graduating and getting “no” as an answer from literary agents, I had two choices. The first was to grab and editor and release the first book in a series that I had been working on for years. The second option was to learn the industry and decided to be a serious author—one who can make a living off of publishing a series. I chose option two.

Why did you choose to write Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance and what are some of the difficulties associated with the genre?

I chose Urban Fantasy with a twist of Paranormal Romance because it’s what I always enjoyed reading , and immersed myself in the genre. UF is ground in reality, and I really like that aspect. The difficulty I had was weighing believable relationships with plot pacing for the first book. I don’t do love at first sight, even though my characters are particularly beautiful on the outside. I think characters need broken hearts and for things to go against their best plans so that they can grow. Book One was more about self-reflection, and while I love late-night dance lessons, eagerness to place trust in the kindness of others, and cute heirs to the throne, I couldn’t truly write a strong, intense, romance sub-plot until book two, because I want to initiate a believable, genuine love story for UF and PR lovers. You’ll see…

What is your favorite book you have written? What was the hardest part to write?

So far, I am really loving Book Two, ”The Frost Bloom Garden”, because of it’s dangerous story arcs, and reflections on mortality, love, and most importantly: St. Paddy’s Day. The hardest part to write was the last chapter, which is heart-wrenching and intense. It wasn’t hard to write in a mechanical sense, but it was hard to see how tortured a certain character has become and see what she’s thinking of doing about it.

Who is your favorite character to write for and why?

I enjoy writing for the characters who are different from me, namely Travis, and Thom (though you won’t meet Thom until book 3). Their senses of humor are unique, and it’s fun to get into the head of someone is so different from me.

What is your writing process? Do you have the story planned out or does it surprise you as you write it? Do you write at night, or in the morning? Do you listen to a play list?

My writing process had shifted towards outlines, and I am trying to outline my next series instead of just writing as I go. I love clues and foreshadowing, so there will never be a series book that I will release without knowing how the series will end. I write at all times of day, but usually listen to my playlists in the car. If I get ideas while driving, I write them down for later.

What would you like your readers to know about you or your books?

I would like readers to know that I love symbolism and literary devices, and while I do write fun stories, there is always something else within the plot to make you think. The series really hinges on friendship, and the beautiful things that make life worth living.

Looking ahead, what can we expect to see from you in the future? What are you working on?

In the future, you can expect to see a lot more books! I have sixteen planned, and will hopefully release the first three in the Supernatural London Underground this year. I have been a busy writer, and am so thankful for the helpful authors and bloggers I have met!

Author bio: Romarin Demetri is a story crafter who loves black coffee, traveling abroad, and when her characters come home in some sort of trouble she swears she didn’t invent. Pulling from her B.A. in English and Psychology, her debut series, The Supernatural London Underground, is a blend of fantasy ground in reality, and a world a reader can truly escape to. As an eccentric and reader, she still enjoys creating the alternate reality in her urban fantasy series (more than anything!), and her interactive world waits for you at

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